Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, indie rock band Satellite Train is formed of veterans of Icehouse, AC/DC, James Reyne, Paul Kelly, and The Black Sorrows, along with a few US friends: Michael Paytner, Susan Turner, Randy Jacobs, Shane O’Mara, Jamie Muhoberac, John Mcall, Pasquale Monea, John Watson, and Chris Chaney.

The band’s music draws heavily on real-life experiences and emotions. Each song is created quickly, capturing a specific feeling or moment in time. We hope this raw authenticity resonates with listeners and creates a meaningful connection.

In 2024, Satellite Train had a successful year with the release of two chart-performing singles, Superstar and Wings. Both tracks were celebrated for their heartfelt lyrics and innovative soundscapes, showcasing the band’s versatility and connection with their audience.

Looking ahead, Satellite Train is set to release a brand-new single, Paralyzed, on January 17, 2025. This track will lead up to the release of two musically innovative albums planned for later this year. These upcoming projects promise to push creative boundaries while staying true to the band’s signature style.

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Single Wings Now Available

Satellite Train

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Real Customer Reviews

SmartWPress Customers

  • Sanic Creative
    "Hey!! really attention-grabbing song! i feel it's tons of rythm which i really like the melody!"
  • Vijay Fernandez
    "Rich and varied! A lovely track which starts off just like a ballad but quickly evolves into a kaleidoscope of sonic variations captivating your senses in the process."
  • 20 Year Short Break
    "Very nice chorus with superb background vocals arrangement. Song is very solid, production and performance as well - 5 stars deserved!"
  • Lazy Frenzy
    "Loved the instrumentation arrangement, it was quite sophisticated and engaging."
  • Trap Town Records
    "Hello! Good work on this. A very nice concept, relaxed and smooth, with a balanced flow and a good touch on the production quality, turning it into an enjoyable listen. Good work!"
  • Hidden Sounds
    "The instruments are beautiful. Vocals and melody are also in harmony. Good song"
  • Just Sauce Records
    "i love this"
  • B & W Music Peru
    "Tiene el matiz de una cancion del oeste , muy buena con la voz e instrumentacion bien implementada."
  • Golden Frame
    "Hey, this is nice song, I like it. It's amazing tune with a beautiful vocal talent and a smooth rhythm choice! well done"
  • Israel Rodriguez
    "Vocally very good, the style attracts me, their harmonies are pleasant, they are enjoyed. the instrumental composition is professional, well balanced, with pleasant melodies."
  • Plugin Music
    "Loved the melodies and production."
  • El Guru De La Musica
    "it sounds expressive and compelling"
  • Music Glory
    "Very cool vocals, awesome chorus, excellent job!"

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